About Me

Versatile software engineer, creative problem solver, and dedicated artist.

I am driven by the fusion of computer science and creative expression, constantly seeking innovative solutions that redefine the way we interact with media. My expertise lies at the intersection of machine learning, data visualization, and artificial intelligence in the context of audio, games, and natural language.

This unique blend of technical expertise and inventive mindset allows me to create transformative experiences that push the boundaries of what is possible in multimedia applications. For example, I developed real-time audio-visual accessibility solutions for individuals with hearing impairments using advanced audio processing techniques and visual distortion algorithms. Additionally, I employed artificial intelligence algorithms to automatically generate hundreds of unique songs by leveraging anyone's music library. I hope these projects will empower diverse individuals to engage with the world in new and exciting ways.

Beyond my technical skills, I have been a passionate musician for years, producing my own style of cloud rap music in my spare time. Currently, I am channeling my creativity into making my first video game using Unity, combining my love for programming and art in all its modalities. I am thrilled to bring my creative skills and technical expertise together to develop innovative multimedia experiences that captivate audiences and reshape the way people engage with content.